Monday 9 January 2012

Preliminary Excercise - Did You Feed The Fish?

When the group (Myself, Anna, Lucy and Madihah) were given the sequence, we immediately decided that we wanted to incorperate some comedy. 
We started on making our story board and planning - writing down the props that were to be used, who would be what character, the clothing and location. We came up with an idea that we thought would work well. We thought the camera shots we decided to use fit with the slightly satirical feeling we were going for and would effectively capture the moment and the emotions we were trying to get across. We decided how we were going to film it, and wrote down what we were going to film first and where and how
However, when it came to the day we were filming, the location we had decided on was not open.
So we thought fast and decided to use the rooftops of a department store in New Malden, kept safe and watched by a member of staff, we filmed from the end of the sequence to the start as we found this was easier. While filming we did come across some problems as my camera went out of battery but luckily we had two other cameras with us so we could continue filming.
We tried the same shot a few times but changed them each time so they looked as good as we could make them. I believe the editing went well and we produced a good piece of work, although we could of planned better by checking the opening and closing date of our building of choice. Our original storyboard was not used entirely; we did keep most of the clips and shots we wanted to use, but had to change a few because of the change of building. Also, the weather was, although aesthetically right, the wind was very loud therefore making the audible sound of the actress's voices harder to make out. 
Overall, I was really pleased with the group and with our sequence and felt it as very good for a first attempt at creating a proper sequence.

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