Monday 16 January 2012

Opening Sequence Idea

To decide what to do for our opening sequence was a very difficult task as we found it hard to select what to do from our ideas of modern day, Victorian and the last century. However, we decided very quickly what genre we wanted to do and have stuck to that throughout the brainstorming of our ideas. AEventually we decided that we want to base our sequence in the 70s/80s and that it is going to be a horror. We came to this decision through thinking of the practical elements of creating a different time and how much money each would cost to create. However we always wanted to be original and set it in a different time and through looking through our wardrobes and researching the time, we realised that this idea would be cost free and easy to do as we had asked a friend from outside of our group to help us by acting and letting us use his house.

We have 3 people acting in our sequence and one of the group filming it. We are going to use props of 70s/80s clothing and someone's house as our scene. The story is a couple (girlfriend and boyfriend) at his house watching a film together, getting very close. However, there is a girl, his stalker, watching from outside through the window who is infatuated with the boy. She is so obsessed with him that she takes it upon herself to get rid of his girlfriend altogether by attacking her as she makes her way home. The stalker is carrying an axe and as the girl leaves she begins to follow her down an alley. When they are definitely completely isolated, the stalker pulls out the axe, the screen goes black and you hear a scream. The next thing the audience will see is the axe and the girl on the floor and a smile from the stalker before she calmly walks away leaving the dramatic scene behind her including the murder weapon.

We are going to use a few different locations in order to reflect the girl's journey home as well as a lot of different camera shots including shot reverse shot, extreme close ups, long shots and establishing shots.

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